Facts & Client Comments HAIR LOSS - THE FACTS Men first experience a change in their hairline in their teens, leading to over 60% of men suffering from Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) MPB is a hereditary condition which occurs when high levels of the male hormone testosterone are converted by the enzyme, 5-alpha reductase to di-hydro testosterone (DHT). These high levels cause hair follicles to age prematurely, shrivel and fall out.
THE SOLUTION MIRACLE CURES? We have reached the new millennium and yet there is no effective treatment for hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. Minoxdil may improve existing hair and slow down early hair loss, however, any consequent re-growth varies from person to person and is of a finer nature. Best results generally occur if the individual is young and their hair loss is at an early stage. However, minoxidil must be applied twice a day to the scalp, every day. Discontinuation quickly results in a reversal of any positive affects. Finasteride has some effect on some affects on some individuals but we won't really know the long-term side effects until it has been used for a substantial amount of time. Sadly, the miracle cure is still a distant dream. SURGERY ? There are a variety of surgical methods practised. They involve taking hair from the back of the head and implanted in the area loss. However, the area of loss is nearly always significantly greater than the donor area, consequently the baldness cannot be covered. Scalp reduction may be necessary- this involves cutting away bald skin and joining together the remaining skin. Unfortunately, when you start losing hair, no one truly knows when it will stop- if ever. Of course, surgery carries risks and the final outcome may not be a full head of hair or indeed natural looking. Anyone considering surgery should think long and hard before undertaking any surgical procedure- especially one, which is constantly visible. This is decision for life and you will be stuck with whatever the result. COMMON QUESTIONS POSED Though we are all different, we all share similar feelings when we suffer hair loss. >Have you noticed your hair is thinner?
>Has anyone joked or commented about this? >Does it effect your confidence? >Has it caused you to worry about windy days? Going swimming? Do you avoid certain Outdoor activities? >Have you tried to disguise your hair loss by trying different partings? Thickening shampoos? Sprays? Re-growth Lotions? These are all natural, ordinary actions by all who suffer hair loss and we share similar concerns when considering hair replacement. >Is it ever too late or too soon to
replace thinning hair? Quite simply no.