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The Internet Pages is one of the oldest directories on the internet and has enjoyed top ranking on Google and all major search engines for many years. Our reputation for helping businesses obtain high search engine ranking is known UK wide, all of our entries are analysed by our researchers before clearance is given for submission.

You can submit your business details for inclusion into The Internet Pages free of charge or you can purchase an enhanced listing which includes a direct link to your website and access to our client portal where you can submit news articles, promotions, job vacancies and much more. Enhanced listings help to improve your own websites rankings on search engines as we are the highest ranked directory on the internet.

Cost to submit your site is just £55.00 for life, if submission is declined then your monies will be totally refunded.

When writing your site description (Enhanced Listings Only) you should make sure you include all your keywords and you should make the content unique without repeating any words to avoid duplicate content.

Please note no duplicate sites will be accepted and we reserve the right to remove all listing associated with any business attempting to submit duplicate sites or landing pages.

Areas - Please enter the names of Towns/Cities that you cover.


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